Education is the best investment in our future. We have to make sure we're constantly supporting our children.
A Real Education Platform
Too many politicians have vague, unclear education goals. Simply throwing money at something won't solve the problem. We have the most comprehensive education platform.

Stop Attacking Teachers & Provide More K-6 Guidance Counselors
The reason certain students don’t do well in school is not because they’re not intelligent. It’s because these students grow up with a complicated set of circumstances. These circumstances can range anywhere from students not having a stable adult to confide in to a students going home to a place without heat or hot water. It’s not fair to ask a teacher to solve all the issues a student faces with a simple lesson plan. It’s important that schools are able to provide students support staff they need to do well.
Launch a Pilot Program to Desegregate Public Schools
New York City public schools are still some of the most segregated schools in the city. Historically, as schools are desegregated, students do better in school. The goal is to prepare these students for the real world. The program will start small within a local school, with 60-90 middle school students, who will be entered into the school via lottery. As the results role in, if the impact is positive, we will work to expand the model.

Support SHSAT awareness campaigns and stop funding failing prep programs
DOE initiatives aimed at created free preparatory programs have historically been unsuccessful. The problem lies within the lack of awareness about the SHSAT. Tahseen Chowdhury is the president of the Stuyvesant High School Student Union and he first heard about the SHSAT when he was still in Kindergarten. The Black and Latino communities are not aware of the test and the value of the test until it’s too late. We would work to increase awareness campaigns throughout the city, ensuring that students are ready and prepared for the exam when it comes around.
Give two students a vote on the Panel for Educational Policy
Students should have a say when it comes to their education. The Panel for Educational Policy makes all final DOE decisions and students have no representation, even though they’re the ones who are affected most. It’s important that we listen to what the students have to say about their own experiences; it doesn’t make sense to leave them out of the discussion.