Child Victims Act
It doesn't make sense to protect vicious and disgusting perverts.
21 Years
The average amount of time it takes for a victim to speak up about child sexual abuse.
5 Years
The amount of time a victim has to report and press charges regarding child sexual abuse.
We support removing the Statute of Limitations when it comes to Child Sex Abuse. We will push to pass the Child Victims Act in New York. Anyone should be able to press charges against vicious criminals who traumatize and scar our children for years.
Protecting Our Children & Protecting Our Future
Children are often too young to understand what is happening when someone sexually abuses them. Even if they understand it, they usually don't know what the next steps are to stop that person or to report that abuse, especially if it's a close relative or a family member. On average, it takes 21 years for someone who was sexually abused or violated as a child to come out and speak freely about it. These experiences are traumatizing and the Statute of Limitations should not be protecting vicious, violent, and disgusting criminals.